Zoti në shkrimet hebraike

S. DAVID SPERLING Fragment i marrë nga artikulli i David Sperling-ut shfaqur në: “Encyclopedia of Religion, second edition, Thomosn Gale 2005 Terminologjia biblike për hyjnoren  Emri i

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Ungjilli i Thomait

John Dominic Crossan Fragment i shkëputur nga libri i autorit John Dominic Crossan me titull: “The Birth of Christianity”, HarperSan Francisco, New York 1999 Ungjilli

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Plaga e Odiseut

Erich Auerbach Fragment i shkëputur nga Erich Auerbach, “Odysseus’ Scar” from “Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature”, trans. Willard R. Trask. Princeton, 1953, repr.

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Modifikuar: 07/01/2021

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